Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Beginning of a New Adventure!

Hello to you!  Thanks for taking the time to look at my shiny new blog!  This is my first blog, but I think it's going to be fantatstic!!  Recently, I was extremely stressed out (because being an adult sucks sometimes) and I realized I was craving certain comfort foods, and once I finally got my hands on them it felt great!  To some people, this would be considered unhealthy and "stress eating".  In my opinion, anything that makes you feel better is NEVER a bad thing!  Just imagine...a big ol' chocolate chip cookie, warm and gooey, fresh out of the oven (salivating yet?), or that big string of melty cheese that comes along with your slice of could that be a bad thing?!?!  Comfort food may not be the healthiest thing for your body but it sure does taste good, and that's what I'm here make good tasting food!

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